The VJ coarse has an official date.
Date: Tuesday, April 29 from 7-10pm
Location: TELIC Arts Exchange
975 Chung King Road
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Teacher: Grant Davis. (VJ Culture)
Limit: 18 people
Fee: $35.
The Public School is offering a new format for learning. Anyone can teach and anyone can sign up for a classs. Once enough people sign up, the class is offered.
As a visual artist with a decade of experience I'll be offering classes taught on two of the popular VJ software on the market t today, Arkaos and Modul8.
This is a beginner course that will teach users compression formats, midi control for video, composition, cabling for installation.
The course will cover the fundamentals of Arkaos VJ and Modul8.
Students will get hands on experience with some of today VJ hardware (DVJ's, V4, CG-8, Kaptivator, Entrancer,, NuVJ and numerous midi controllers.
sign up at (Search, "VJ")
Bring your laptop and plug in.
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