DJ Mag UK Ranks the top 20 VJ's and top 100 DJ's worldwide. (But who really cares about them).
Thanks to your votes, I am up one place from last year's number 6 to number 5.
I personally have not seen a copy here in the US but someone on VJ Forums scanned copies and I'm posting my page here. (Don't let this get back to DJ Mag, they'll sue me!
Three years in a row now. Do ya like the Bling?

Since they won't publish it I will.
Grant Davis (VJ Culture) gave up his collegiate ideals of working with deaf children 8 years ago when he first experienced a live, immersive, VJ, environment in the Black Rock City desert.
"As a Communications Disorder Specialist, I thought this was a great way to visually interpret music for the deaf", says Grant. Since then, under the name VJ Culture, Grant has provided sight and sound for audience around the world. This year returning from Torino, Italy where he performed 19 shows with the Magnetic Poets during the 2006 Winter Olympic Games.
UK’s DJ Mag has voted VJ Culture among the top 10 VJs in the world for the past two consecutive years.
"I sometimes think of those little, deaf children and what I could have provided for them. However, that small feel-good sensation is no match for the fame, the glitz and the bling. Maybe when my career washes up I'll return to the kids"